Dinner seminars are effective because they create an open and convivial atmosphere that is enhanced by the meal. Your attendees are curious about you and your message, but they may also attend because they are attracted by the food and to meeting others with similar interests. Your objective in offering a meal is to get them to like and trust you while you educate them.
Which restaurant you choose depends upon your target audience and your presentation topic. Audiences with high income producing assets expect a venue which offers high-end fare. But if your audience has more modest wealth, you may find it is better not to intimidate them with a lofty venue choice. Ultimately, the best venue is one that is known and liked by many of your prospects. You are in the best position to identify that venue in your local market.
A restaurant may not be the best place for your presentation. No-food venues such as local libraries and community colleges can be successful, too, but typically don’t draw as many attendees as venues where a meal is served, though their attendees are still good prospects if well-targeted.
These events are a great way to maintain a social connection with your clients and offer them an opportunity to provide you with referrals. Popular venues are an "open house" event in your offices, local restaurants, or nearby hotel conference areas. DataLeader can send invitations to your client list on your behalf and track registrations for you as we do for your other events.
Some presenters secure new business with 70% of attendees, while others do not. The difference is largely a function of you and your presentation’s ability to connect with your audience. That success is determined within the first few minutes when your audience decides whether they like you and want to do business with you.
We have all been to a presentation that starts out with the presenter thanking everyone, telling the audience to turn off their cell phones, and promising to share exciting information. That start, though, will likely result in low sales conversions. The key to securing new clients is to connect with your audience right away, such as beginning with a personal story that gets and holds their attention, but also illustrates your seminar topic. Achieving this combination and building upon it is crucial to your seminar’s success.
Example: An advisor begins their presentation by describing the events surrounding the
death of their father. The story includes the struggles of their mother and the rest of the
family to navigate the inherent challenges to their income and security, and relates these
events to how much improved the situation would have been with better planning.
When you see her tell this story, her audience is giving her their full attention and they are
experiencing an emotional response. Many are undoubtedly feeling compassion while others
clearly empathize – thinking, "that happened to me." The point is they are feeling something and
they naturally like her in those first few minutes. Now she has the audience where she wants
them and the rest of the presentation is really about getting them to ask themselves if they are
missing something in their planning. She uses no slide presentation – perhaps occasionally
writing something on a small white board – but most of the time she wants the audience focused
on her. Her presentation is more about feelings and stories than it is about finances and
investing. Her appointment setting numbers are off the chart – truly impressive.
Clearly, not every seminar presentation should start with a childhood story. But you must find a
way for your audience to emotionally connect with you from the outset. If they really like you, it
will make it easy for them to set an appointment.
Key takeaway: your audience needs to like you from the very beginning. Building their respect
for your knowledge and subject authority should be an important, but secondary, goal.