DATALeader® Mobile Check-In provides you with a seamless and

efficient way to manage your upcoming events and responder activity,

all from the convenience of your mobile device.

Easily view your upcoming events and see a detailed count of responders for each event.

Once you select an event, you will have access to a fully optimized mobile platform that allows you to complete a variety of tasks efficiently.

Make Confirmation Calls
Select an event responder to view their contact information. Then call from within the platform or send an email. Once confirmed, click the "Confirmed" button, or if you've left a message, the "Message" button, or the "Canceled" button, if they've canceled.

Track Attendance at an Event
When a responder arrives at your event, click the green "Attended" button below their name to update their information. Or if they registered, but fail to attend, you can click the red "Canceled" button instead.

Update Appointment Status
If you book an appointment with an attendee, update their information by clicking the "Appointment" button.

Permanently Exclude Attendees
If you would like to block an event attendee from future mailings and event attendance, click the black "Permanently Exclude" button.

DATALeader® Mobile Check-In makes post-event list sorting easy. Allowing you tolaunch Follow-Up campaigns to attendees who didn't book an appointment or registered but had to cancel. A great way to ensure you capture the highest return on your investment.

For more information contact us at (800) 340-4794